Welcome to the final week of the Summer Sculpt Challenge! Each daily bodyweight workout is designed with a different target in mind to achieve best results. You will find the number of sets and repetitions with each exercise demonstration along with a description of how to perform the exercise. 

This HIIT session is performed in intervals of 25 seconds on and 40 seconds off (break) between rounds for each exercise. You can use an interval timer app like SIT for setting times for the rounds, action and breaks.

3 rounds X 25 secs


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointing out. Bend at the knees and lower your body by dropping your hips while keeping your heels on the floor. At the bottom, push back up explosively to the starting position.

4 rounds X 25 secs


Place the rope behind you and turn the jump rope over your head while keeping the pace as quick as possible. If you don't have a jump rope, you can perform the exercise by skipping in place.

3 rounds X 25 secs

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower yourself into a squat by bending your knees, going as low as you can. Jump upward explosively as high as you can.

4 rounds X 25 secs

Place the rope behind you and turn the jump rope over your head while keeping the pace as quick as possible. If you don't have a jump rope, you can perform the exercise by skipping in place.

3 rounds X 25 secs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump with your left leg forward and right leg back into a lunge, keeping both knees at a 90-degree angle. Jump switching legs mid-air and land in a lunge with right leg in front. Continue this movement without pauses between switching legs.

4 rounds X 25 secs

Place the rope behind you and turn the jump rope over your head while keeping the pace as quick as possible. If you don't have a jump rope, you can perform the exercise by skipping in place.

3 rounds X 25 secs

Place your foot on the chair (or bench/step) so your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Step up leading with left foot, then bringing right foot onto the chair. Switch legs.

4 rounds X 25 secs

Place the rope behind you and turn the jump rope over your head while keeping the pace as quick as possible. If you don't have a jump rope, you can perform the exercise by skipping in place.